Monday, 13 October 2014

Life Drawing - Lesson 2

I was really looking forward to our next Life Drawing Session. I knew that this time it was going to be even better as we had an extra hours time. Also the was a new model to draw. As soon as we entered the room, there was a buzz of excitement about, who were were going to draw today. A rounder model had taken his place in the center of the room. This was brilliant, as students of Computer Games Arts we need to learn to draw all forms of the body and I think this fits the bill perfectly.

Today was really about different and creative ways that we can draw the model, e.g single line, wrong handed, etc. I managed to get myself in the same position as last time and sketched away.

Right hand 1.

Right hand 2.

We started off by doing some quick 5 minute sketches of the male model, this was just to warm us up. At first I started off with some fairly small drawings, managing to get 3 to the page,  after that I wanted to see my larger drawing skills to see if I would get the proportion right. I think, especially on A2 pieces of paper, this was my area and managed to get the out line of the models body onto the paper fairly well.

Single line 3.
Single line 1.
Single line 2.
Single line 4.

We did many different sketches by experimenting by using only a single line. This meant that start with one line and with it, we had to craft some sort of image out of it. by looking at the various results, I did get some mixed images. I really do like the way that the model came out on the third picture, especially the second one along. I feel the pose there is copied remarkable well. Whereas I'm fairly unhappy with drawing 2 as not only did I not get the chance to complete him, the body isn't in proportion.
Left Handed 1.             
Left handed 2.
Left handed 3.

I was very worried about this task as I know, from personal experience, that I am a terrible left handed drawer. So I tried to keep a perfect hand and for some, was actually really impressed with how some of my drawings turned out. others, though, I wasn't as impressed with. This is just how practise is coming along and I know that if I keep trying, I will end up with a fantastic result.

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