Thursday, 29 January 2015

Life Drawing - Lesson 9

We started the session off by having quick 3 minute drawings, because  of the models body shape, I somehow found it quite hard to draw in such a small space of time.

Once we got onto the long winded drawings, this is when I really got into my element. I started off with a pencil drawing and captured the model beautifully. 

The next drawing, again, I struggled, I feel as if, if I get one proportion wrong, I get all of them wrong and it ends up as a spiral effect.

This drawing was much better. I used a graphite pencil that was much quicker and thicker. I got the outline pretty dead on, in the time, I also got parts of the shadows into the piece, if only I had more time, then I believe that I would have been able to make something beautiful.

The next technique that I wanted to try was using a biro pen to create a wavy outline. The result was pretty interesting, especially with the darker lines added to show shadows.

I wanted to try using the same method as last, just because I felt that there was some hidden potential behind it. Again, I was pretty happy with the results. I am starting to notice how far my drawing skills have come since we started life drawing, and I must say, it has all been worth it.

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